
How To Make Fresh Smoothie For Autumn

Green Smoothie Recipes for Autumn - A Green smoothie is an ideal healthy drink either for diet or for boosting your energy. Smoothie is considered better because this blend of green vegetables and fruits contain the fibres that we need. Smoothie is also easy to digest rather than the raw/cooked vegetables that we sometimes do not chew properly. Here are some of the most refreshing green smoothie recipes that you can make in autumn.

1. Mint chocolate smoothie

The first recipe is a mint chocolate smoothie with only five minutes to make. The main ingredients are
  • ¼ tsp peppermint extract, 
  • ¼ mashed avocado, 
  • 1 tbsp chocolate chips. 
You will need to add additional items to spice up the smoothie. The additional items are ¼ cup of vanilla greek yogurt,
  • ¼ cup of vanilla protein powder, 
  • ¾ cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 
  • a half tbsp agave, 
  • a half cup of kale, and 
  • a half cup of ice cube. 
How to make it; Blend all the ingredients but chocolate chips. Add the chocolate chips after all the items melt and blend it again for 15 seconds more.

Read Also : The Best Smoothie Recipe For Removing Detox

2. Green caramel apple smoothie

The second green smoothie recipe that you’d love for spending your autumn day is caramel apple smoothie. This smoothie will give you 187 calories per serving. You need to
prepare two cups of fresh spinach,
  • 1 apple core, 
  • 1 a banana, four pitted dates, 
  • 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk, and 
  • a half tsp vanilla extract. 
How to make it; The first items to blend together are spinach and almond milk. When it’s already smooth, add the remaining items. Blend it again until it’s mixed.

3. Berry citrus green smoothie

The last green smoothie that will make you refreshed is berry citrus green smoothie. For this smoothie, you can use either a half cup of frozen pomegranate or any kinds of berries. The other ingredients are only
  • 2 cups of fresh spinach, 
  • 2 peeled oranges, 
  • 1 banana,  
  • a half cups of water. 
How to make it; Firstly, put the spinach in the blender, pour the water, and blend it together. After it is smooth enough, put the remaining ingredients in the blender. Lastly, blend it again.
Those refreshing green smoothie will make your autumn days perfect!

How To Make Fresh Smoothie For Autumn
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