
Smoothie Suitable For Stomach Pain

Avocado smoothie for stomach Recipes & Banana smoothie for stomach Recipes - Tummy troubles always trouble us, even when we are at home and do nothing. Tummy trouble is not just stomach ache. It gets worse with the bloating, nausea, and all the stomach stuffs that you already can imagine. You may think that when you have tummy troubles, you need to avoid certain food. Sometimes, we tend to not eat anything, too.

But, the truth is it would worsen your pain when you don’t eat anything. It’s better to eat some food that can soothe the pain. Here is a good news for smoothie lovers: you can soothe your upset stomach by consuming smoothie. How good is that?

1. Banana Chamomile Tea Smoothie

Banana is the one fruit you have to have immediately when you have tummy problem. This fruit is easy to digest and it stimulates the mucous layer which has a soothing effect.

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 7 chamomile tea ice cubes
  • 1 cup cashew juice
  • 1 cup frozen fruits (mango, papaya, peach)
  • ¼ cup soy milk
  • 1 tsp agave syrup
  • 1 dash sea salt
  1. Before making the smoothie, let’s make the chamomile tea ice cubes. 
  2. Take your favorite chamomile tea and make two cups of strong brewed chamomile tea. 
  3. You can add agave syrup to sweeten it. Pour the tea into the ice cubes tray and wait until frozen.
  4. Cut the banana into two half and spare some tea ice cubes. 
  5. Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend it. 
  6. Stop the blender and add the other half of the banana and the spared ice cubes. Blend it again until smooth.

2. Avocado-Aloe Vera Smoothie

Yes, you can eat the Aloe Vera gel. And, yes, it can soothe your tummy pain. So, let’s make the avocado Aloe Vera smoothie right now.

  • ½ banana
  • ½ avocado
  • 1/3 cup fresh aloevera gel
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tbsp chia seed gel
  • 1 tbsp honey
Put all the ingredients in your blender and blend it for 40 seconds. Once it’s smooth, drink it immediately.

A quick tip for the banana, a banana with some black dots on its peel is good for a tummy-soothing smoothie. A ripe banana is very good at soothing pain.

#Related topic smoothie for stomach problems, smoothie for sore stomach, smoothie cause stomach pain, smoothie for stomach pain, green smoothie for stomach ache, ginger smoothie for stomach ache, smoothie good for stomach ache, avocado smoothie for stomach, banana smoothie for stomach.
Smoothie Suitable For Stomach Pain