
Natural Remedies For Eczema, You Must Try It

Eczema is one of skin problems that happened to everyone that is really hard to cure. Nowadays, so many cosmetic and medical treatment suggested by dermatologist usually could be more expensive. But, you always have an alternative way with the safer treatments using natural remedies for eczema. But you have to note that the treatment of eczema is not merely about how to cure but also you should balance it with a healthy diet. These are some things that you can do at home to help you healing Eczema :

Coconut oil.

This tropical fruit can be the best option for skin problems even helping for the plague and hair loss. A thin layer of coconut oil or coconut oil lotion can help cool eczema itching and pain. you can use coconut oil once a day for a better result, just simply put and massage coconut oil into your skin.

Sea spray.

Homemade sea spray contained slat can be the best choice for helping you to dry your eczema without going to the beach for a vitamin D.

Fermented cold live oil.

This might sound nasty for those who have never been used this type of eczema healing. But according to Waston A. Prince Foundation, fermented cold live oil is one of the best supplement that can reduce inflammation and lead to healthy cell, hormone and brain development. This is the best sources of vitamin A, D, K, E where help to purify and cure your eczema.

Magnesium baths.

This is the type detox bath that can be used to help your skin healing, with simply soak your body in the bath contained magnesium for 5 minutes. These are recipes for making magnesium bath at home:
  • 1-2 cup of magnesium flake 
  • ½ cup of salt sea
  • ½ tsp natural vanilla extract
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil of choices like lavender or mint. 
 You can combine these ingredients and add enough water to bath.


Probiotics are the best supplement that can help you to cure eczema. Skin tends to need a better probiotic that often forgotten for the modern diet. You can make your own probiotics at home using fermented foods and drinks. Here are food and drink that you can use for making probiotic :
  • Kombucha soda
  • Water kefir
  • Sauerkraut
You can add these type of probiotic to your smoothie or other food.

Healing sczema is not too easy and not too difficult, you have to combine these recepies with better instruction from your doctor that help you maximize the healing of your sczema.
Natural Remedies For Eczema, You Must Try It