
Mineral Resources, Functions In The Body, Result If Result If Excess & Deficiency

To complement the previous article necessary nutrients our bodies and the source of vitamin functions in body  Now we will discuss about Mineral Resources, Functions In The Body, Result If Result If Excess & Deficiency

Minerals are a group of micronutrients for the body. That is, these nutrients only needed in small amounts to support the channel grows and processes of our body.In General, the minerals are divided into two kinds, namely macro minerals and micro-minerals. Macro mineral is a mineral that exists in the body more than 0.01% of the body weight and needed by the body in amounts of more than 100 mg/day as Ca (calcium), P (phosphorus), Na (sodium), K (potassium), Cl (chloride), and S (sulfur).

Micro minerals contained in the body of less than 0.01% of the weight of the body and only needed in quantities of less than 100 mg/day as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), iodine (I2), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co), and Se (selenium

Mineral Resources, Functions In The Body,Result If Result If Excess & Deficiency:

* Sodium/Potassium (Na)
table salt, milk, cheese, beetroot, celery, beef,pork, sardines, and green olives.


~ Maintain the body's fluid balance ~
~ Keep the pH balance in the cell
~ Set of cell permeability

~ Set the transmission of nerve impulses

Due to the lack of interference: 
~ the heart and kidney
~ Fatigue and muscle spasms
~ Decline in osmotic fluid thus increasing the value of body temperature

As a result of Excess:  Hypertension (high blood pressure)

* Potassium (K)

.Source: milk, fruits, grains, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, vegetables,
fish, shellfish, red meat, grains, chicken, liver, onion, and yeast


~ as a cofactor (chemical components to assist the work of enzymes)
~ the formation of carbohydrates and proteins
~ Helps maintain muscle contraction and heart rate
~ Set the release of insulin from the pancreas
~ The nerve impulse transmission
~ mencega damage to cells as well as the help function of the thyroid gland.

Due to the lack of: 

~ muscle weakness, Stunted Growth 
~ Irregular heart rate and respiratory disorders
~ Caries (dental damage)

·As a result of Excess: muscle spasms.

* Calcium (Ca)

  salmon, cheese, cabbage, broccoli, beets, carrots, whole grains, nuts,
  sardines, milk, cheese, yogurt, kale, mustard greens, radishes, broccoli, and lemon.


 .~ form the matrix of bone and teeth
· ~ Help blood clotting process
· ~ Help run muscle nerve and muscle function
· ~ The nerve impulse transmission

·Due to the lack of: ~ Osteoporosis (bone brittleness)

· ~ Rickets
· ~ Muscle spasms
· ~ Hypocalcemia (low levels of calcium in the blood)

·As a result of Excess: Hiperkalsemia (calcium levels are too high in the blood)

* Phosphorus (P)

milk, egg yolks, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, yogurt,
cheese, red meat, poultry, fish and legumes.

·Function: ~ matrix formation of bones and teeth

· ~ Set the balance of acid and alkaline in the blood
· ~ Scrunching muscle contraction
· ~ Stimulate the metabolism

·As a result of shortcomings: the fragility of bones and teeth

· Rickets

·As a result of Excess: Annihilation jaw

* Magnesium (Mg)

.Source: milk, meat, grain, nuts, seafood, cheese, and yogurt.


~ The cellular respiration (chemical processes in the cells of your body that converts energy stored in food into energy for use by Your muscles).
~ Biokatalisator (enzyme antecedent nature can accelerate a reaction without undergoing the changes themselves)
~ An important element in the muscles, bones, and erythrocytes

・ If the deficiency: 

kidney and Cardiovascular Disorders 
~ Emotional and mental Control  
~ down

·As A Result Of Excess: 

~ Diarrhea
~ Impaired nerve function.

* Chloride (Cl)

table salt, milk, eggs, seaweed, wheat, tomatoes,
lettuce, celery, olives, sardines, beef, and cheese.


~ omponen constituent of gastric acid
~ Keseimbanga alkaline acid in the body fluids,
~ the electrolyte and osmotic pressure

If Deficiencies:

~ Indigestion
~ The abnormal muscle contractions

.As A Result Of Excess:

~ the syndrome Zollinger-Ellison and hiperkalsemia.
~ symptoms such as stomach pain and ulcers of the stomach

* Sulphur (S)

milk, cheese, fruit, and nuts, egg yolk, cabbage,
broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, mustard greens, asparagus,
red onion, and garlic.

Can be found in nutrition:

alpha-lipoic acid, biotin, Methylsulfonylmethane,
N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and the B vitamins.


~ helps maintain healthy joints,
~ boosts the immune system,
~ assists in the digestion and absorption of fat,
~ needed to make bile acids,
~ helps to regulate blood sugar,
~ helps maintain the balance of oxygen for healthy brain function.
~ Component compilers, like some vitamins thiamine, biotin and Pantothenic
~ Activator of the enzyme

If the disadvantages: interfering with growth.

* Iron (Fe)

Meat, poultry, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, liver, green vegetables, wholemeal flour.
soy flour, eggs, beans, peas,
spinach, turnip greens, clams, and cereals.


~ helps red blood cells and deliver oxygen to all tissues of the body,
~ help run muscle function
~ The cellular respiration
~ Make up hemoglobin

If Deficiencies:

Lethargy, dizziness, anemia and

As A Result Of Excess:

Cirrhosis (swelling due to increased fluid in the heart)

* Iodine (I)

Sea fish, fish oil, green vegetables, and salt beryodium.


~ Helps the thyroid gland function
~ Creation of hormone thyroxine

If Deficiencies :

~ Goitre
~ Krotinisme's disease (physical and mental deterioration in children are-
growing dwarf or body)

As A Result Of Excess:

~ Feels uneasy in his mouth, excessive saliva

~ ritasi digestion and cause rashes.

Zinc (Zn)

Sea fish, shellfish, liver, meat, milk, eggs, and oysters.
nuts, seeds, cereals, wheat, and pumpkin seeds.


~ maintains healthy skin and helps in wound healing.
~ helps our body to fight the disease.
~ Help metabolism
~ Assist growth and reproduction

If The Deficiency: Anemia

In children the early symptoms of deficiency of zinc are:
~ a late growth
~ loss of appetite
~ taste-impaired
~ low content of zinc in hair.

If the excess:

metal taste on the tongue cause, vomiting and gastric disorders.

Zinc as much as 1 gram or more can be fatal.

Flour (F)

Milk, fish, egg yolks, and salt.


Strengthen bones and teeth

If Deficiencies:

~ Periodental (inflammation on periodontal)
~ Osteoporosis

If The Excess:

~ Brown colored teeth 

~ Nerve impulses is disrupted

Copper (Cu)

Nuts, shellfish, liver, kidney, shellfish (especially oysters),
chocolate, mushrooms, nuts, and wheat.


~ protect cells from damage, bone and red blood cells
~ The formation of hemoglobin and erythrocytes
~ Maintain nervous system function
~ Synthesis of hormones

If Deficiencies:

~ Anemia
~ Nervous system disorders

If The Excess: Dizziness, lethargy and headaches.

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Mineral Resources, Functions In The Body, Result If Result If Excess & Deficiency