
Effective Ways to Prevent Disease Stroke

Today stroke including a very deadly disease,Stroke can be devastating events with serious long-term consequences.
Advances in the treatment of stroke has been opened hope for patients to minimize the fatal damage that may occur.However, as often happens with a sudden stroke, one of the important approaches in addition to treatment is through prevention, especially for people who are at risk.

Here are some good habits that can be done to prevent the occurrence of stroke.

1. Lowering blood pressure
Hypertension is a condition of chronic high blood pressure increase the risk of stroke and also contribute to the development of heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.
The first step in the management of hypertension require diagnosis through regular blood pressure checks.
Treatment of hypertension may include low-salt diet, weight management, regular exercise and stress management.

In people with high risk, drugs to lower blood pressure may be necessary.In addition, the doctor can advise on the best way to maintain a normal blood pressure.

2. Controlling heart disease
In addition to a healthy lifestyle, heart disease can arise due to hereditary factors.Heart disease is generally associated with other conditions such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes or high cholesterol.

Heart disease, among others, include coronary artery disease (disease of the blood vessels that supply the heart), heart valve problems, heart muscle problems, an enlarged heart or an irregular heartbeat.
There are various ways to diagnose and treat heart disease, depending on the cause.

In the case of hypertension, the best approach is to do regular check ups to detect possible heart problems as early as possible before it's too late..

3. Lowering cholesterol levels
High cholesterol contributes to heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.Uncontrolled cholesterol levels generally occur due to high consumption of unhealthy fats.
Lowering cholesterol requires various efforts such as diet with moderate fat intake, exercise and possibly medication.

4. Controlling diabetes
Diabetes can contribute to cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease.Diabetes may arise as a result of congenital or acquired. People with type 1 diabetes requires strict control of blood sugar levels are usually also involves insulin treatment.

People with type 2 diabetes require management of food intake, weight management and possibly medication to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

5. Managing obesity
Obesity is also a risk factor for stroke and contribute to hypertension and high cholesterol.Obesity is often managed by adjusting diet and exercise, weight loss supplement to surgical procedures for obesity complex cases.Genetics play a role in obesity so people tend to be overweight than others.

6. Stop Smoking
Smoking contributes to heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and hypertension.Various approaches such as behavioral control, counseling, support groups, nicotine patches and smoking cessation programs can be used to help someone quit smoking.
Research shows that many of the harmful effects of smoking can be recovered from time to time as stopping someone from this habit.

7. Manage stress
Stress contributes to the risk of stroke as well to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and cerebrovascular disease.Management of stress and anxiety often have to involve a comprehensive approach in order to succeed maximum.Stress can not be measured objectively and requires a long-term approach to optimal control.

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Effective Ways to Prevent Disease Stroke